Thought for the Day............

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brillant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually who are we not to be? YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD! Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory within us. It is not just in some; it is in everyone. And, as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
-Marianne Williamson

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Foot Zoning....

I have just started my 9 month study of Foot Zoning. I am so thrilled to start sharing this with you. Anyone can have this done! Babies, toddlers, teens, adults and on up!

There are many, many benefits in having our feet zoned. On the bottom of our feet are located sensors that tie to our body and its organs. And by gently massaging in certain sensor points on our feet, you can trigger your body into becoming more balanced and aligned, to function and perform how it was created too. It is a incredible tool that we have been given. I feel very blessed to be apart of this great modality.
A special thanks to Brad and Susan Noall. The great foot zoners!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

How to have JOY Everyday!

In every moment there is joy. If you are ready to find it, you can find it, and if you aren't ready, you can't. No matter how frustrating or sad your situation may be, you can choose to raise your thoughts. There are certain grieving processes one goes through when someone dies, or when one feels betrayed, but when you are ready to be in high spirits, it is possible. The problem is helping yourselves to want to have joy. Sometimes people are so "happy to be sad." You can only tie into joy when you are ready for it. Joy doesn't seek you out. You have the responsibility to find and embrace joy. It's easy to have joy everyday. The more you focus on it, the more of those beautiful moments you will experience. The following are ways to have joy everyday day. How many moments of joy will have in a given day depends upon you.
There is a great key to help you become aware of where you are emotionally. If you determine that you are below the line (imagine a line - above the line is everything light, good, joyful, loving, confident, peaceful, and beautiful. Below the line is everything dark, evil, hateful, ugly, guilt filled, angry, depressed, frustrated, annoyed, cynical, lonely, doubtful and fearful), you can do something about it. Just notice the feeling; anger, resentment, frustration, guilt, etc. Don't focus on it; just spend enough time to realize that you need to move up. The emotional environment is the place where we can practice our "millennial" lives.
Stop dwelling on how you feel about your negative emotion, and begin to kick out the downbeat thought and flip it up to something good. Think thoughts that are attached to good emotions. It can be a trivial childhood memory, or something that you would like to experience and know that you would enjoy. FEEL yourself doing it and loving it.
As you begin FEELING GOOD and connecting with the Lord, let go of your ego, and do what it takes to LOVE YOURSELF; respect yourself, forgive yourself, and serve others until you FEEL loved by the Lord. Align with Him and feel His mind and will for you.
Imagine something wonderful is coming your way. Could there be something special in the mail? Will it be a phone call? Will you meet someone who will change your life; a kindred spirit perhaps? Just hold on to that FEELING that something wonderful is coming especially for you and it's just around the corner, What could it be?
The thing that can propel us above the line and keep us there the longest is SEVERE APPRECIATION. When we focus on what we love and FEEL grateful for, it makes a literal change in us, and we rise. Who are we grateful too - if not God? It's built in. As we feel appreciation, we are feeling God's love, because He has given all the things we are thankful for. When we feel good, we feel Him.
Included in your Book of Miracles, should be the scriptures that "standout on the page' as you read them. Include the impressions that come to you as you read them that particular day. It may not be scriptures. It may be something else you are reading. Sometimes the spirit teaches you additional things to the written word on the page. Those impressions are for us to take note.
As you do this, you will notice spiritual patterns, coming to you that are enhanced with other spiritual experiences more real or valid. Write it all down. When you are in a lower or slower frequency, pick up the book, it will help you remember all the beautiful things the Lord has done for you, the miracles you have witnessed. It will lift you up. It will help you to "always remember Him."
("Thinking Above The Line" - Anne Hinton Pratt)